Monday, January 26, 2009

What a week! I finally got my social security card and have applied to be a sub for now.
I have my final state test coming up weekend after this coming weekend...then it will be a month before I get the results and *fingers crossed* if I pass, I'll be able to get my certificate.'s time to cap off my resume and start taking them to schools I'd like to teach in! :)

Since I last posted...I've done quite a few things. I went to the IFR Rodeo with Matt...and Sooner National BMX Races at the Lazy E Arena in "nephew" has been racing bikes for like 6 years and this was my first race ever to go watch him. It was an awesome atmosphere - one I had never been in before and definitely am looking forward to more races. That night I went to a sports bar called Halftime and had the BEST fried chicken EVER. I cannot wait to go back.

Serena is soooo close to having baby Gage! :D She's 31 weeks now, but the doctors say she will definitely go in to early labor. I have several options for being there...Cindy may or may not drive down once we know she has gone into labor. If she does, then I will ride with her and we'll stay for a few days and come back. Then I would fly back down there on my own once she and the baby get to go home from the hospital. Now...after her most recent appt., they are more optimistic that she will go further than expected...but still deliver early. If that happens, it will be too late for Cindy to drive down so I may have to miss out on the actual birth but will still fly down for like 6-10 days to help out. Either way... I WILL BE DOWN THERE!!! I'm so nervous and anxious and excited!

I have been keeping up with taking the pictures with my camera but I haven't been quite as good at uploading them so I will try to take time maybe tomorrow or sometime this week to upload my pictures and just update more on what's been goin on lately. Life has definitely been good to me lately and I'm trying to not take it for granted because I hate to be a pessimist...well, maybe more of a realist when I say what goes up must come we will see what the future holds!!


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